Friday, July 13, 2007


I just watched the news.. in 24 oras.. and I was so shocked to heard that a small siopao business in China (my group) is selling siopaos with "karton".. as one of the ingredients.. oh yes.. as in.. "karton" na box.. hard paper.. lol.. the siopao itself.. is consist of atleast.. 6% of "karton" and 40% of meat.. I suppose the rest of the percentage are mantao.. They were nabulabog.. when I guess.. some people were inspecting.. concerning the progress of the business industry in China.. when they were able to know the "disgusting".."disgraceful".. siopao.. It was even said in the news.. that bakers or makers of these siopaos.. can't even afford to eat or taste.. it..

asking..where do they get this 'kartons'??.. They said.. before they make these siopaos.. they collect.. boxes from stores.. and soak it in soften.. and season with sodium glutamate..

hala!!! pasaway!!!

a short info bout siopao..

Siopao also called baozi in China or simply Pau (bun) in Hong Kong is simply known as steamed buns in English. It is also called Salapao in Thailand. It is a popular food item in the Philippines. It does not require utensils to eat it and can be consumed on the go. Unlike Mantou, Siopao will contain a meat and gravy type filling that is slightly sweet and can be pork, chicken, beef, shrimp, chopped scallions, water chestnuts, seasoned egg yolk (if available/desired, balut is sometimes used). In addition, a combination of any of these ingredients can be used. There is a common myth that siopao is filled with cat meat. Outside of the Philippines, many Filipino restaurants offer variants of Siopao with local ingredients ranging from Spam and canned pineapple in Hawaii, to haute cuisine concoctions involving Pate d'Foie Gras and truffles.


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